Cooking is one of the two professions in Aion that allows characters to sell consumables to other players. It focuses on the creation of stat boosting foods that are highly valuable for characters going into end game instances and PvP situations. That said, the ability to make solid profits with cooking items is hard for many players because of things like demand and location. Here are some tips to making a solid Kinah profit on Cooking.
How to Make Kinah with Cooking
To start with, it is important to reach the highest levels of the profession. Cooking is, luckily, one of the few professions that will let you make a profit before you reach the Master status, but it isn’t that much, so you need to hit 399 quickly and start getting rare recipes and materials.
There are more than 50 different materials you can gather for cooking, plus various reagents and drops from mobs in the game, so it’s not an easy process to farm up the rare items you need. So, I’ll recommend looking for your materials on the Trade Broker when the prices drop down. This will happen more often than you might think as most non-cooks will sell off everything they gather as soon as they have a chance and not know what it is worth. Keep a solid stock of these materials in your Warehouse and then don’t worry so much about paying exorbitant prices when it comes time to make something.
Next, you need to get the rare recipes from the Abyss that you can only get when you control the fortresses there. I recommend checking once a day and buying when you have a chance.
Turning Your Materials into a Profit
Now, you should focus in on a few different types of food and start creating a profitable strategy. For cooking items, the best place to sell them is in front of an instance or in the Abyss, because of the immediate demand that often pops up here. Make sure to offer a good tag line for your store and then be active in chat drawing attention.
Focus on making foods that boost the stats you know these players are interested including things like Magic Boost, Critical Hit, Attack Power or Flight Time – basically anything that buffs powerful combat stats. If you do this, you can usually help ensure that you make a more consistent profit over the life of your account.
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